Friday, January 15, 2010

Ssn Name Change Does The Government Update NCIC If You Change Your Name Legally?

Does the government update NCIC if you change your name legally? - ssn name change

If Cange my name legally, and arrested for speeding, the officer race of my new name from all the things from my old name pop up? Only on the surface. I know my Social Security number will not change, but the new name was born and pop aged cleaning?

SOURCES PLEASE something more substantial, then yes. How do you know? Are you a coat, a law enforcement officer, shall Law School? Maybe I can see a Web site? Everything that can be varified.


mikeysco said...

Well, not quite true that * all * the name that has already been used, pop-up on the screen.

What is shown is each name, the law enforcement agencies, courts and corrections made - if the connection between their old name and new name. If no one noticed that John Doe was Mr. Perez, if there were (two different folders, and no name on the other hand, if a situation of detention probably find that) as a result of the fingerprinting.

NCIC and really have no information. It's more of a pointer of each state.

zebj25 said...

Yes, all the names already displayed. Some people have lied their names and the names are also displayed.

zebj25 said...

Yes, all the names already displayed. Some people have lied their names and the names are also displayed.

blnknuts... said...

N .................................... Idea ...

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