Sunday, January 10, 2010

Bulimia Recovery Stories Help For Eating Disorder...advice?

Help for Eating Disorder...advice? - bulimia recovery stories

I was bulimic in the past 12 years. I was in a treatment center, there are about 10 years. It is not really help us in more debt. My family and my husband knows that I am an eating disorder in the past ... they think I'm up. You do not know who struggle with it every minute of every day. I binge and purge more than 30 times per day. I know it's terrible, and I know all the health problems that go with it. I want to help, but have no insurance. We can not afford to send me to a different treatment center. We can not afford to see even a therapist. Unless you had a severe eating disorder, you do not understand how they can get, so do not turn to preach to me about the damage I do to me ... not so easy ... I wish it were! I want to just stop, but it's as if I'd go crazy if I my eating disorder behaviors can ... is that I start to tremble, and go through withdrawal. I fear that this issue will be forever. I want to help but can not afford. We had to file for bankruptcy last year, because this mortgage is aDisorder and had had an accident I am not in a position to work for 8 months, so that we can not pay the bills. Has anyone a history of the rest ... except pray? I do not believe in God, Jesus or pray ... I was very disappointed several times and have lost faith in the religion, so do not tell me to pray. I need advice from real people who have suffered or are suffering from an eating disorder. Thanks


carnival... said...

Oh my ........... I feel for you and have been there. Living in Canada help people in similar situations, since we change the health care system. Bulimia annorexia (he had suffered both), in simple terms, that our special way, can affect the control over the things in our lives, we are very unhappy. For me, talking regularly to a psychiatrist and after the transfer to the hospital (88 pounds) was the beginning of my healing.

They have no insurance and therefore the treatment and / or treatment centers seems impossible. You may have to hunt around for someone who can help for free.

Could you see your doctor about the situation and try to get a sponsorship?

I know you are not religious, but there is nothing wrong with calling some local churches and make an appointment with one of the ministers spoke counsel. If you keep with 4 or 5 people, then maybe one of them click on a personal level. Nobody said that the church wait to go there and do nothing is. pray These ministers and pastors / priests / rabbis are trained to listen and help the needy. Sometimes only in a position with someone who is not obliged to talk a big help. Will not spend the night, and you may be able to do things out of the breast, which are the causes of the eating disorder.

You need to talk to a professional to find you. Do not you think ... They are there to listen to and help.

They have already taken a big step in the realization that there is a problem, you can not correct yourself.
I wish him luck in his search for a mentor.

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